DreamTeam 2024
Maya Jackobi
Maya has join Shira Ganor School in 2021. A very promising young dancer with a clean strong technique and a wonderful artistic grasp. In 2023-24 Maya presented Hardanquilne varition, won 2nd prize in the intermediate at the VCS competition in TelAviv.
in the same competition Maya has won 1st prize with the conteporary wonderful variation of swan lake by Richard Warllok.
Maya got accepted to the Julliard summer program.
Yael Peretz
Yael has started her training at the Shira Ganor School at the age of 8.
She has shown great promise and much talent.
Yael's passion, musicality and artistic sense are all shown in her strong technique and amazing physic. In 2024, Yael competed with Traces at the VDC competition in Tel-Aviv, presenting her great technique and beautiful artistic interpetation.
Noam Hefetz
Noam has joined the SGB School in 2023. When joining the Thelma-Yellin school of arts. She is a very tallented young dancer with great potentiaIn 2024 has joined the groups dreamteam with the pointe exceelent group, but in 2024 got a solo variation. Noam has won 3rd place with her Don Q variation of Kitri, making all of us very proud.
Noga Feld
Noga Feld has started her training in the Sgb school at age 6.
An extrordinary dancer with stars quality, Noga has demonstrated throughout the years hard work along with amazing musicality and mature graps of artistry.
Through her training got to dance numerous variations both on Pointe and Contemporary, Solos and Duets. Every time dazzeling the audience with her passion. In 2024, her senoir year, she will perform with the pointe variation of ....... we cant wait for her to duzzle us on stage.
Zohar Cohn
Zohar Cohn started dancing at the age of 4 at the Sgb school. Her beautiful Physic and abilities has shown great promise. Through the years got to do various variations. In 2022 got accepted to the JKO school in NY. In Sofash 2023, she has performed with Paqiuta act 3 variation, demonstrating her capabilities and duzzeling us on stage.
Anna Srugo
Anna has joined SGB School at the age of 11. She has shown great promise. A beautiful young dancer who's maturity and deep understanding of movement and artistic manner, has developed a unique dancer. In 2023 recital, Anna performed with a variation made especially for her by our wonderful teacher Ori Kroll, inspired by Noa Zuk.
In the 2024 recital she will perform with a different contemporary solo.
Ayala Sharvit Almog
Ayala stated her training in SGB school at the age of 10. Ayala has magnificant facility, beautiful presence and has a unique soul that shows in her dancing. This year she has joined the DreamTeam with a solo that was built for her special physic by Tali Peretz-Laor. She was absolutely stunning on stage. Bravo
Aya Chernitz
Aya began has joined the SGB school at the age of 9. a wonderful young dancer with great promise. Aya's beautiful technique and lovely feet has served her well, especially this year where she got her first chance of pointe variation on stage. Her 'Swan Lake' variation was beautiful - showing her lines, clean strong technique and lovely artestry. Well done Aya!
Tomer Eliaspur
Tomer has started dancing at the age of 4 at the SGB school. From the start she has shown great talent and sassy presentation. She is a lovely, beautiful young dancer with great promise. Although she had perticipated in last year's character cream group of six, this year Tomer got the opportunity to preform with a solo that was choreographed by Noga Kristovsky with a stylish modern-jazz routine. Tomer was wonderful and got tons of applause.
Yarden Arieli
Yarden has started his training at the SGB School at the age of 9.
Yarden has shown great tallent and amazing physic, as well as musicality and great inthusiasim. His intelligence and drive to accomplish his big dream of dance, has made him a hard working student. Atage of 14, Yarden got accepted to Princess Grace ballet school in Monaco.. In the year 2023 recital, Yarden had performed with a Ballet Variation made by the DWC competition in france, and a contemporary piece by Shira Ganor to the wonderful Bach etude.