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Ages 4-5

Through games and imaginary excersises, we sail into the magical world of ballet. Musicality will be one of our teaching emphasis, as well as performing excersises that builts and strengthen the body. Every game we play, and every excrises we perform, will help stregthen the muscles and bones. 

Pre-primary get to preform at the end of the year recital - Sofash.

Pre-Primary Level offers one class, once a week

Tuesdays 17:00-17:45

Arlozorov 80, TLV

Level's Program

Pre-Primary - Ballet Intro 1

Ballet introduction 1 is a level acoomidated to ages 4-5. The class combines technique basics and free movement. Led by Noga Kristovsky, ABT certified teacher who introduces the ballet in the most magical aproach.

Classes Located in the Arlozorov Studio.

80 Arlozorov street



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