Upper 1
Ages 13 and up
Upper 1 would be the first year with the Pre-Professional division. Most dancers are signed to dance majors in arts schools, and are dancing now both in the mornings and in the afternoons.
The curriculum supports this stage, strengthening the technique, learning new modern techniques, pointe and improvisation. this is an exciting stage full of promise, where the young dancers explore the pre-professional school.
Upper 1 is a 2-year stage.
Acceptance by audition only.
Upper Level 1 - full program
Sundays: 17:00-18:30 Ballet technique
18:40-20:00 Modern Horton technique
20:15-21:30 Character dance
Mondays: 18:30-20:15 Ballet technique
20:20-21:15 Pointe advanced*
Tuesdays: 16:15-17:45 Modern Graham technique
17:50-19:10 Modern improvisation
19:30-21:00 Ballet technique
Thursdays: 17:00-19:00 Ballet technique
* Pointe class students should be invited by the teacher
Level's Program
ABT Ballet Technique Level 4-5
Led by Shira Ganor, ABT National Curriculum Training fellowship teacher, Level 5 is a hight level in ABT training. Brings high co-ordinated, challenging technique. This class is for advanced students who are training to become professional dancers.
Acceptance by audition only.
ABT Ballet Technique Level 6-7
Led by Shira Ganor, ABT National Curriculum Training fellowship teacher, Level 6-7 is the highest levels in ABT training. Brings high co-ordinated, challenging technique. This class is for advanced students who are training to become professional dancers in thier senoir year.
Acceptance by audition only.
Character Upper 1
Character dance is a theatrical presentation of national and folk dance. It is a part of every famous ballet. This class Works on co-ordination, musicality and personal expression. Danced with little heels shoes and a skirt, brings joy fun and personality. Led by Noga Kristovsky, who teaches the Vasiliev curriculum.
Our DreamTeam is chosen every year bu the staff. First, students are chosen to work on classecal variatons on Pointe and then, Modern repertoire for Upper 2 and 3. Students chosen to the DreamTeam get to work one on one with the DreamTeam coachers and they also get to compete in the competitions chosen every year.
On top of that, they preform with their solos at the end of the year recitals.
Modern Horton Inspiration Upper 1
It is important to learn different modern techniques, not only improvisation and repertoire but to have a technique class that grants skills to master, strengthen and enrich the abilities. At the SGB school modern techniques given is inspired by the Horton technique. Lester Horton developed a modern dance technique based on Native American dances, anatomical studies, and other movement influences.
Horton technique is the foundation for many of Alvin Ailey's masterpieces.
Horton is given only at the pre-professional division.
Modern Technique Graham Inspired Upper 1
The Graham technique is the first inspiration of the Shira Gnaor school. As it is probably the most important technique a modern dancer should have. Working on the five back positions, learning to spiral conatract and release would be the foundation of all reperoitre one would meet. Graham inspired class gives importatn skills a contemporary dancer has t have such as floor work, back and core work, gravity control, moving through space grasping a 3 dimention movement.