Upper 3
Ages 16 and up
Last year of training, this group prepares for the audition period which is a very exciting time. the technique classes are there with also repetoire, improvisation and the audition project. the audition project was designed especially for senir students to nurture them through all the process of this last year. Picking the right solo for auditions, recital and IDF exam. working on the ompro skills whoch are needed in every audition for contemporary scholls and troups, reviewing in terviews, editing music and videos and all that is needed to strengthen adn secure, we are there for you seniors. Every step of the way!
Level's Program
ABT Ballet Technique Level 6-7
Led by Shira Ganor, ABT National Curriculum Training fellowship teacher, Level 6-7 is the highest levels in ABT training. Brings high co-ordinated, challenging technique. This class is for advanced students who are training to become professional dancers in thier senoir year.
Acceptance by audition only.
Modern Release Upper 2
In the upper 3 level, once dancers have worked through the two modern techniques inspired by Graham and Horton, this class technique taught by Michal Hirsch is a mix of Graham, Release, Limon and so much more. The movement flow, the playfull transfer of wieght, and the challenge of great framed movement is space, forward and back, upwards and downwards is what makes this class so challeging and exciting.
Pointe Advanced
Pointe classes start at the age of 11. (Level 3)
The advanced level class is only for girls chosen by the teacher and usually those who get to be in the pointe team that competes in competitions, and preforms in our recitals.
The intermediate level pointe class is suited for level 4 and up. exceptance only by audition, and with the teahcre's approval.
The Elementary Level is for Level 3.
Girls have to eb recommended by the teacher to participate in pointe classes.
Project Audition
The audition project is a class designed by Shira Ganor to help senior students in their auditions period. Through the years we have noticed that having to prepare and co-ordinate oneself to this period, could be quite overwhelming, and one needs clarity, focus and a plan .The Shira Ganor Audition Project is built in order to give stracture and help set an artistic plan, as well as advise for future plans.
Choosing the right solo for IDF audition as well as filmed auditions sent abraod.
Mastering improvisation techniques that are needed in every audition.
Meeting various cheographers and repertoire matirials, and how to bring your super shine in every audition.
Practecing interviews, learning how to make an imp
Meeting an NLP trainer whom adresses the personal mental aspects with an amphasis on ones' confidence.
All those are adressed at the Shira Ganor Audition Program, with great staff of teachers, cheographers and dancers such as - Adi Salant, Ohad Caspi, Tali Peretz Laor, Gon Biran and more.
Our graduates of 2024, all got the IDF exceelelnt dancer status, got into wonderful programs in Israel and International, and got in to young companies.
Learn more about our Audition Project dancers HERE.
ShiraMood is a modern class that is thought mostly by Shira Ganor, but also hosts other teachers and cheographers as Shira chooses. It is a modern class, introducing a mishmash of techniques but mostly creating dances together with Shira according to her "Mood". This class is pure fun and dance.