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Primary - Level 2

SGB Curriculum​

Pre-Primary Level

Ages 5-6

The 2023-2024 class schedule

Tuesdays 17:00-17:45

The classes are held at the Arlozorov 80 studio

The curriculum follows the American Ballet Theater syllabus recommendations

In the lessons, emphasis is placed on rhythms and dynamics, correct posture and spatial understanding. Attention on acquiring tools for teamwork and focus on learning. Students are exposed to challenges adapted to their age and stages of development.

Admission without audition

Dear Shira,

I want to thank you for a very important, critical and meaningful year.

I knew this was the right place for Daniel, Noga saw him from head to toe including the heart.

I really appreciate the wonderful place you built for kids, its like a greenhouse for dance.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart♥️

Shira Mirenberg, Daniel's mother

Primary Level

Ages 6-7

The 2023-2024 class schedule

Sundays and Tuesdays 16:00-17:00

The classes are held in the Arlozorov 80 studio

The curriculum follows the American Ballet Theater syllabus recommendations

In the lessons, emphasis is placed on rhythms and dynamics, correct posture and spatial understanding. Attention on acquiring tools for teamwork and focus on learning. Students are exposed to challenges adapted to their age and different stages of development.

Admission without audition


Photo: Naomi Shustberger

צילום: נעמי שוסטברגר

Anchor 1
Level 1

The 2023-2024 class schedule

Mondays 16:00-17:00

Tuesdays 17:45-19:00

The classes are held at the Arlozorov 80 studio

The curriculum follows the American Ballet Theater syllabus recommendations

The program is designed to strengthen technique, emphasizing correct and healthy posture, stamina and familiarity with the culture and discipline of classical ballet. 

Stage 1 dancers are encouraged to take the ABT exams.

Admission without audition


Ages 7-8

צילום: נעמי שוסטברגר

Anchor 2
Level 2

Ages 8-10

The 2023-2024 class schedule

Mondays 17:00-18:00 Character class 

Mondays 18:00-19:30 Classic ballet technique

Thursdays 16:00-17:30 Classical ballet technique

The classes are held in the Arlozorov 80 studio

The curriculum follows the American Ballet Theater syllabus recommendations

The program is designed to strengthen technique, emphasis on correct and healthy posture, stamina and familiarity with the culture and discipline of classical ballet. At this stage we also focus on building strength and flexibility, physical control and more complex challenges in terms of coordination.

Stage 2 dancers are encouraged to take the ABT exams.

Admission without audition

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